About Us
We are a friendly congregation and all new people and visitors most welcome.
Following three and a half years of an interregnum we now have a new priest in charge Rev. Patrick Morrow, who we look forward to working with.
A Pastoral reorganisation is taking place in the Breckland deanery involving the surrounding parishes. Carbrooke will no longer be part of the Ashill group benefice and we will be joined by St Peter's Merton, along with the existing parishes of Saham Toney and Ovington.
We have a good ring of 8 bells and we practice once a month on the 2nd Thursday at 7.30 p.m. Visiting ringers always welcome. Sunday ringing is at 9 a.m. for 9.30 service.
Churchwardens are:- Wendy Peckham 01760 440952 and Margaret Barker 01760 751771.