Worship for Sunday 17th March 2024 -- Passion Sunday.pdf

A reminder of the services and notices for the week beginning Sunday 17th March 2024. This article includes the service sheet for the livestreaming service at 11:15am on the 17th

St Eds online donation details.pdf

at St Eds e have set up an online donation option - more details in the article below

Worship for Sunday 10th March 2024 - Lent 4 Mothering Sunday.pdf
CM Liturgy 2024 March 14.pdf

A reminder of the services and notices for the week beginning Sunday 10th March 2024. This article includes the service sheet for the livestreaming service at 11:15am on the 10th and the liturgy sheet for Thursday 14th.

A reminder of the services and notices for the week beginning Sunday 3rd March 2024.