St Ed's 2022 Christmas fair is nearly here

We are pleased to confirm the St Ed's Christmas Fair 2022 will take place on Saturday 26TH November 12.00noon – 3.00pm

This will be a German-style Christmas Fair, in and around the church building, with Festive food & drink – Raffle – Cake stall - Tombola - bottle tombola – Christmas gifts & decorations - Festive lights & music – Children’s games and much much more!

We need raffle, tombola and bottle tombola prizes, toys, books and cakes etc! If you are able to help by donating items for the stalls please leave them in St Eds before the vent – or bring food/cakes down on the day from 9am onwards.

Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church to help – the more helpers we have the better so helpers can have time to enjoy the fair too!