May Fair 2nd May 2022

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The May Fair on 2nd May 2022 from 11am to 4pm is now fast approaching. Everything is looking very positive for a successful day.

The proceeds are being donated to the Ukraine Appeal.

There will be 90’s music from Retro, food, drink and ice cream to buy and lots of fun stalls – games, raffle, bottle tombola, pre-loved clothes for adults and children, toys, books and more.

We still need volunteers please to help with the setting up and on the day. There is the sign up sheet at the back of St Eds. Also any items for the stalls would be greatly appreciated : raffle prizes, liquids of all kinds in bottles and jars for the bottle tombola, toys, bric-a-brac, good clothes and books. Also for the cake stalls – baked goods would be greatly appreciated. Please can you let Sue Elmes or Sue Beevor know. Thank you!

Please book the date - help if you can  - or simply come along to enjoy the fun.