Service list and notices for w/c 26th December 2021

The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below):

Sunday 26th December 8:00am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 26th December 9:30am Mustard Tree Church – informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 26th December 11:15 am Traditional Sunday Service, Service of the word (at St Ed’s)

Monday 27th December 5.00pm Monday prayers (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 29th December 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Also Sunday 2nd January at St Ed’s, 9.30am Mustard Tree, 11.15am Holy Communion

Additionally at 8am daily (daily except Wednesday and Sunday) we will be posting a ‘Daily bitesize prayer’ on the St Ed's Facebook page

For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Ringland: future services at St Peter’s:

Sunday 9th January 11.00am Morning Praise

Sunday 13th February 11.00am Morning Praise

Ringland news

After a long delay there is progress at St Peter’s! A bat survey by a specialist ecologist has established there are bats so this aspect is now covered. Our architect is now going to carry out works at the beginning of March. Please pray as St Peter’s enters a new and positive era and there is new life.

Thank you! To everyone who has contributed to our worship over Advent and Christmas It has been such a privilege to proclaim the Good News of Jesus’ birth in our community.

Schools’ work Thank you to all those who helped with the visits of the schools before Christmas. We were a great team! Thank you for all you did in helping the children know God’s love in Jesus and the true joy of Christmas.

Christingle Collection candles and envelopes to support the work of the Children’s Society can be returned to church up to Sunday 30th January 2022.

Norwich homeless during the cold weather as in previous years we will receive donations of hats, gloves for those on the streets of Norwich. If you would like to donate these items please leave them at the back of St Ed’s marked ‘Homeless’

Thank you to everyone who has given to the needs of our community, including toys for vulnerable children, and in other ways. Thank you for your kindness.

Tuesdays at St Ed’s with Tiny Tunes will resume on Tuesday 4th January.

Art Group are on a break until 14th January.

Easyfundraising if you shop online you can contribute to St Ed’s without any extra cost. Search for ‘Easyfundraising’ and find ‘St Edmund’s Taverham’ as the cause to support, you can shop and also support our ministry. Thank you!