Service list for w/c 23rd May 2021

Worship_for_Pentecost_Sunday_23rd_May_2021_11_15_service_EfTC9xc.pdf Download

The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below):

Pentecost Sunday 23rd May 9.30am Holy Communion (at St Eds and livestream)

Pentecost Sunday 23rd May Morning Prayer (at St Peter’s followed at 12:15 by Vestry Meeting and APCM for 2020 and 2021)

Pentecost Sunday 23rd May 11.15am Sunday Morning Worship (livestream)

Pentecost Sunday 23rd May 6.30pm Sunday Club (livestream)

Tuesday 25th May 10am Tiny Tunes (music for all young people) (livestream)

Wednesday 26th May 9am Midweek Moments! (livestream)

Wednesday 26th May 10.30am Holy Communion Rev Phil/Rev Paul (at St Ed’s)

Additionally at 8am daily (daily except Wednesday and Sunday) we will be posting a ‘Daily bitesize prayer’ on the St Ed's Facebook page

Watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Attended services we now have a 9.30am service at St Ed’s weekly, a Wednesday 10.30am service at St Ed’s and services fortnightly at St Peter’s. We are trialling a period where it is not necessary to sign up in advance. Just come along!

Please pray for our PCC. Our PCC have now met for an informal gathering, and we are now praying for the way forward. Please pray for us as we discern all the Lord is laying on our hearts in our life and ministry, and for St Ed’s to grow as Jesus’ disciples in depth of faith and in discovering our gifts through the Holy Spirit. Welcome to our two new members, David Howard and Sophie Thomson.

Christian Aid : Thank you! Including Gift Aid the current total is just over £900 (including church, e-envelope and no collection envelopes. A huge thank you to Brian, Jean, David and Fran for helping deliver just over 1,000 envelopes around Taverham (and everyone who has kindly contributed).

Envelopes can still be returned!

Plus the e-envelope is still there if anyone wants to make a donation online! You can find it at the address below:-

Diocesan Vision Details of the new vision for the Diocese are at the back of church – to be transformed by Christ

- to prayerfully proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

- to pastorally model the ministry of the whole people of God after Jesus the Good Shepherd

- to prophetically speak out and act, with the fire of the Holy Spirit

Val’s Ordination is on Sunday 27th June at 9.30am at the Cathedral. Please pray for Val, Richard, Jenny and Helen as Val makes this exciting step.

We are hoping to livestream the service into St Ed’s on that morning – so our services in church will consist of the Ordination service, which apparently will take place at 9.30am for Val’s group, and then again at 11.00am. More details when we have them!

St Ed’s Plant Sale – Our plant sale at St. Edmund’s will start on Saturday 29th May and continue whilst we have plants to sell. If you have plants to spare, please bring them along for sale and then buy some from our selection too! Proceeds for church funds.

Ringland: future services at St Peter’s:

Sunday 6th June 11.00am Morning Prayer – Jane Dryden

Sunday 20th June 11.00am Holy Communion