Service list for w/c 8th November

Remembrance_Sunday_8th_November_10_45_service.pdf Download

In view of the Government announcements of a new four week lockdown we are now having to suspend our services in church. The church will however be open each day for private prayer. We are also introducing other opportunities for us to pray together:

Praying Together each week -  At St Ed’s many of us have adopted the practice of pausing wherever we are to say the Lord’s Prayer at 12 o’clock each day. It connects us with one another and brings us into the conscious awareness of the presence of God.

Alongside this we will be giving a simple suggestion for each day of something you might like to pray about as we pray together for the world in all its trauma and anguish and also as we give thanks for God’s continued presence and faithfulness to us in this time of uncertainty and difficulty.

On the website there will be a separate news item each week with prayer ideas for each day that week.

The livestreams are continuing with the following services being made available via the St Ed's Facebook page:

Sunday 8th November 9:30 am Spiritual communion with Rev Paul

Sunday 8th November 10:45am Remembrance Service with Rev Paul and Rev Phil (service sheet attached)

Sunday 8th November evening 6.30pm with Rachel and Sophie (for Sunday Club and the young at heart) craft template on separate newsitem

Tuesday 10th November 10am Tiny Tunes (music for all young people)

Wednesday 11th November 10.30am Rev Paul

Wednesday 11th November 9pm Rachel’s Rectory Ramblings

Saturday 14th November 9pm Prayers together - Each Saturday leading up to Christmas at 9.00pm we will be lighting a candle in church and hold a half hour time of prayer on livestream. Please send in any prayer requests or join online at the time!

Watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Advent begins on Sunday 29th November.

Care Homes We would like to be able to give a small package of toiletries, puzzle books, gifts and chocolate to residents in the Care Homes, especially those who are vulnerable and have lacked contact with their families. If you would like to make any donations of suitable items these can be left in St Ed’s church marked ‘Care Homes’.

Thank you.