Worship for 22nd March

worship_22_March_2020_fovnQCc.doc Download

We have put together a short form of worship which you may like to use on Sunday 22nd March. As you use this short form of worship you may like to light a candle to help you to focus on Jesus the Light of the world, who is with us wherever we are.

You may even like to use it at either 8.00 or10.30 when we would, under normal circumstances, be meeting together. However, so much of our lives are not normal at the moment and whilst we cannot meet together we can still pray together.

At 10.30 tomorrow morning (22nd March Mothering Sunday) we are going to do our first ever Facebook live stream (on the St. Edmunds Church Facebook page) so if you fancy joining us then via the wonders of technology that would be wonderful!

We hope you will find the attached a helpful resource.

With our love and prayers,

Rev Paul and the Ministry Team