Sunday Hope

A special podcast, recorded by the Bishop of Norwich as we mark Mothering Sunday this weekend, is now available to play, download and share. Visit here

Speaking in his introduction, Bishop Graham said: “Life feels so strange at present. Things are out of kilter, including our emotions, and there is sorrow that our churches are closed for public worship. Very many churches are, however, open for private prayer. Yet the Church is the people of God, and we are being Church right now, just in a different way.

“This short podcast contains a reading, reflection, some questions to ponder, and prayers. You might like to press pause and light a candle as a symbol of God’s presence with us.”

This is the first episode of a new weekly podcast by, and for, the Diocese of Norwich called 'Sunday Hope'.

Please let everyone know so together we can play this, and the following podcasts in this series, on Sunday and in the coming weeks!