Service list and notices for w/c 28th January 2024

Worship_for_Sunday_28th_January_2024_Epiphany_4.pdf Download

The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below).

Sunday 28th January 9:30am Mustard Tree– informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 28th January 11:15 am Service of the word (at St Ed’s)

Sunday 28th January 11:15 am Online Sunday service (livestream)

Sunday 28th January 4:00 pm PCC OneDrive session (at St Ed’s)

Monday 29th January 11.00 am Funeral (at St Ed’s)

Monday 29th January 1.00 pm Funeral (at St Ed’s)

Monday 29th January 5.00 pm Monday prayers (at St Ed’s)

Tuesday 30th January 10:00 am Tiny Tunes (music for all young people) (at St Ed’s), refreshments10am til12 noon

Tuesday 30th January 6:00 pm Rspace (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 31st January 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Wednesday 31st January 7.30 pm Alpha Bible Study (at St Ed’s)

Thursday 1st February 8.30am Church caretaking team (at St Ed’s )

Thursday 1st February 7.00pm Reflection with Compline (at St Ed’s and livestream)

Friday 2nd January 9:30 am to12.00 noon Arts and Craft Group , - bring anything – art or craft - you fancy doing and coffee and tea are provided cost £3. (at Trinity church)

Saturday 3rd January 11.00 am Burial of Ashes (St Ed’s )

Also Sunday 4th February, At St Ed’s 9:30 am Mustard Tree, 11:15 am Holy Communion, 1pm burial of Ashes, Plus online 11:15am Informal Service.

For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Ringland: future services/events for Ringland St Peter’s:

February 11th 10:30 am Morning Prayer in Ringland Village Hall

March 10th 10:30 am Holy Communion venue TBC

Alpha our next Alpha course will be starting soon. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining, please let Rev Paul know.

Michael Greengrass’ service is on Monday 29th January 11.00am at St Ed’s

Pancake party Lent begins on 14th February! We will be holding a Pancake Party on Tuesday 13th February at St Ed’s from 3.00pm until 5.00pm, in support of Christian Aid. Any offers of help to make pancakes and help on the day gratefully received! Please invite anyone who may like to come along.

Gift Day we will be holding a gift day for our building projects (East window, the chancel thatch and the organ) on Saturday 17th February. This will be to highlight the work needed, to come together to pray for the projects and our mission, time for some worship together and an opportunity for donations.

Gratitude Scheme Ben Knights has suggested a great idea for the weeks between Lent and Pentecost. Each week we will choose a local organisation that serves our community (Doctors Surgery, Pharmacies, Schools, Care Homes, Supermarkets etc) and write personal notes or cards to be delivered to them during the week. We would also include them in the prayers for the next Sunday (we can ask them for items to pray for). It will be a great way to show we appreciate all they do for us and others.

Bishop’s Lent Appeal 2024 will help to raise money to provide water tanks for Ordinand’s Homes at Newton Theological College in P New Guinea

Contacting Rev Paul please note Rev Paul has a new e mail address : [email protected] – part of a new e mail system for St Ed’s and St Peter’s. Please can you change the address you hold for Rev Paul

PCC OneDrive session for members of the PCC (and anyone who is interested) Matt Vaughan is running a set – up session today (28th) from 4.00pm in church to install the new e mail and storage system for St Ed’s and St Peter’s

St Edmund’s Taverham Registered Charity Number 1185420