16 March update on covid-19 and Tuesday at St Eds

Things are changing day by day and we are absolutely committed to making sure we follow the guidelines from the government and from the Church of England.

As such we are will still be gathering for all our usual happenings. However, we will not be able to serve any food or drinks. This means that our Tuesday mornings with Tiny Tunes (please note change of name) will happen but without any refreshments. Please bring some food if you wish and your own drinks and please, no sharing! This is all so contrary to our usual ethos it will take a bit of getting used to but at the moment this is how it is.

We will still be meeting for prayers each day.

Our church wardens have worked really hard to make sure that all hygiene rules can be strictly followed.

We really hope to see you see you soon and will keep you updated of all developments.

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