Service list and notices for w/c 9th April 2023

Worship_for_Sunday_9th_April_2023_-_Easter_Day_11_15_online_service.pdf Download

The following services will be available via the St Ed's Facebook page or by attendance (as stated below).

Easter Sunday 9th April 6:00am Sunrise Service (at St Ed’s)

Easter Sunday 9th April 8:00am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Easter Sunday 9th April 9:30am Mustard Tree Church – informal service for families and children. (at St Ed’s)

Easter Sunday 9th March 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Peter’s)

Easter Sunday 9th April 11:15 am Holy Communion with Baptism (at St Ed’s)

Easter Sunday 9th April 11:15 am Online Sunday service (livestream)

Tuesday 11th April 10:00 am Tiny Tunes (music for all young people) (at St Ed’s), refreshments10am til12 noon

Wednesday 12th April 10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

Thursday 13th April 8.30am Church caretaking team (at St Ed’s )

Thursday 13th April 7.00pm Reflection with Compline (at St Ed’s and livestream)

Saturday 15th April 10.00am Alpha Holy Spirit Day (at St Ed’s )

Also Sunday 16th April, 9:30 am Mustard Tree Church,11:15am Holy Communion with Baptism, Plus online 11:15am Informal Service. word

Additionally at 8am daily (except Sunday) we will be posting a ‘Daily bitesize prayer’ on the St Ed's Facebook page.

For on-line services, watch live if you are able --- or join later on 'catch up'.

Everyone welcome.


Ringland: future services/events at St Peter’s:

9th April (Easter Day) 10.30am

14th May Holy Communion 10:30am

14th May APCM 12 noon

11th June Holy Communion 10:30am

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to decorating the church today. It is great to see the church ready for the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection. Thank you to everyone.

Baptisms at Easter we are delighted that Anya Fiaz will be baptised in the 11.15am service on Easter Day. Also that Sky will be baptised at 11.15am the following Sunday, and also a Thanksgiving for her son Rocky.

Alpha Holy Spirit Day will be on Saturday 15th April. If you would like to join there are places available. Please let Rev Paul know.

St Edmund’s Electoral Roll If anyone feels that they would like to join the Electoral Roll for St Edmund’s, there are forms at the back of St Ed’s.

Diary date : Open Doors Speaker Sunday 30th April Open Doors originated in the ministry of Brother Andrew who distributed Bibles to persecuted Christian communities in Eastern Europe during the 1970’s. On Sunday 30th April (a fifth Sunday) we will have a visiting speaker at the 11.15am service to tell us more about the work of Open doors today and the plight of the persecuted church. Please put the date in your diaries to come along if you can.

St Edmund’s Coronation Fair is on Monday 8th May 11:00-4:00. Live Music, BBQ, Beer Tent, Competitions, games crafts &; the usual stalls around the Coronation theme. In line with King Charles wishes to celebrate and promote Volunteering we will invite local charities and groups to provide information cards/flyers on their volunteering opportunities.

There is a sign up sheet at the back of St Eds if you are able to help on a stall on the day or setting up.

Intercessions and readers for Sunday 11.15am services for anybody not on the rota for reading and/ or prayers who would like to be included, please speak to Stella Noons.

A virtual challenge! During April, Paul Beverley is doing a 'virtual' Land's End to John o'Groats - 1000 miles + 39,000 ft of climb - to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society, but it's round Taverham and Ringland Hills, as he can't leave Sue. Please join us if you can - £3000 raised already. Many thanks!

Calling All Gardeners We plan to hold the Plant Stall again this year beginning the last weekend of May and would appreciate any surplus plants you may be dividing or seedlings you are growing. This year the proceeds will be donated to Christian Aid.

St Edmund’s Church Taverham –

Annual Church Parochial Meeting and Annual Vestry Meeting

These will be at St. Edmund’s at 7pm on Monday 22nd May and all our church family are encouraged to attend, to celebrate, reflect and pray for our life and ministry as Christ’s believers in this place.

All those on the Electoral Roll are eligible to vote and please ask the Churchwardens for a form if you would like to go on the Electoral Roll.

Nomination forms for Churchwardens, PCC members and Diocesan Synod Members are available at the back of St Eds. Please pray if you feel the Lord is calling you or someone else to these roles.

All candidate who are successfully elected will be subjected to our safeguarding processes before their appointment is confirmed.

We are very fortunate to have Nick Blanch, Director of Youth for Christ, Norwich, coming to speak to us from 8.15pm, once the more formal part of the meeting is completed. Nick is leading encouraging and prayerful work amongst young people in our city, including in Taverham. Come and hear more!

St Edmund’s Taverham Registered Charity Number 1185420