About Us

St Edmund's Church is a very welcoming one. We have a variety of services to which all are welcome.

New pattern of Sunday worship from 4th July

The pattern will be reviewed by the PCC after six months.

All the following involve Sunday mornings at the churches. It is important to note a large proportion of our life and ministry now also takes place during the week. This Sunday pattern has been carefully developed to fit in with our weekday ministry.

Therefore from Sunday 4th July we will have :

8.00am Holy Communion on fourth Sunday each month (starting 25th July)

9.30am Mustard Tree - a new form of weekly informal worship particularly for families and children and those looking for more informality.

(10.30am Coffee time – an opportunity for relationship and fellowship for people from both services – once coffee is allowed)

11.15am Traditional weekly service with Holy Communion twice a month, others Service of the Word.

11.15am – Livestream on location – outside of the church building – in people’s homes, in the open, possibly at Ringland.

5th Sunday Gathering together - we will bring the livestream team into the 11.15am service, and 9.30am will mainly be a breakfast – to give everyone the opportunity to come together

6.30pm Sunday Club will remain as a livestream each week

During the Week

Tuesday  10:00 am Tiny Tunes (music for all young people) (at St Ed’s and livestream), refreshments (outside)10am til12 noon

Tuesday 5:00 pm Rspace (for details contact Rev Paul)

Wednesday 9:00 am Midweek Moments! (livestream)

Wednesday  10:30 am Holy Communion (at St Ed’s)

St Ed’s Arts group will not be meeting in August. The Group will be resuming in September, Friday mornings (9:30am to 12noon) at Trinity Church.

Do come along, we would love to meet you!

To see photographs of our church please visit the Churches of Norfolk website