Weekday Mass

Every Second, Fourth Tuesday at for 30 mins
Netherfield: St George the Martyr
Victoria Road Netherfield Nottingham, NG4 2NN, United Kingdom

Every Tuesday morning at 10.30am. A quiet Said Mass lasting no more than 30 minutes. A hymn may be sung on special occasions such as Saints Days.
Tea/coffee served after the service. Stay for a chat if you wish.

This service may be cancelled if no priest is available

Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Netherfield: St George the Martyr
Victoria Road Netherfield Nottingham, NG4 2NN, United Kingdom

This is our main service of the week held every Sunday Morning. Join us for a Sung Mass with a mixture of traditional and modern hymns. Although we celebrate with dignified traditional ceremonial the service has a relaxed and friendly feeling.
On occasions when no priest is available we receive Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament.