Our ancient font has apparently moved several times in its 900 years. It was originally in the Norman church before the present one was built and since then has been relocated at least twice. This month our stonemason and his team will be bringing in their lifting equipment and moving the twelfth century font to the front of the south aisle where it will have a more prominent position in baptism services. Once moved, space will be freed up at the back of the church for all the great get togethers we are so looking forward to.
The cleaning angels have been busy in Church and all is gleaming and lovely. The church will be open for private prayer and reflection from Monday. All books, leaflets, toys etc. have been temporarily removed. Hand sanitizer and wipes are available on the table near the door. Please use them and wipe the door handle on your way out. You are asked to take care and follow government guidelines.It was a good feeling to be in church again, keeping our social distance, but being able to chat and work alongside each other. We are looking forward to when we can all meet again safely.