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St Michael Rock
I’ll never forget the first time I drove down towards Rock, turned left down Porthilly Lane, parked in the Marshall’s field and came to St Michael’s Church. I knew I was close to the sea, but as I went down the path and suddenly found that breathtaking view across the estuary opening up in front of me, I stopped in wonder, as perhaps you have done. Perhaps it’s that very experience of wonder that then sends one into the ancient, little church ready for a spiritual experience.
St Michael’s Church is part of St Minver parish, and our previous Chapel Warden, Mrs Marjorie Jones, writes: “What brings people to the church in the first place is its unique position on the estuary, with its own sea wall and steps to the beach. Then I hope that when they go into the church they feel a sense of welcome, even if there’s no one there. Visitors often refer to the “special atmosphere” they find there – centuries of prayer? At services, of course, we try to make sure that they get a warm welcome.” It feels a very ancient site, and the History link will tell you more. Just outside the main door there is an ancient celtic cross and if as a visitor on a fine summer’s day you do not want to spend too long inside the church, you could sit on the grassy bank and look past the cross to the sea.
There are services every Sunday, and some of us locals know St Michael’s especially as being The Place where you can still attend a Book of Common Prayer Evensong every week. It is a quiet and thoughtful service with a friendly congregation.
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