July Services in the Boyton Benefice

Sunday 7 July

0915 Werrington, Holy Communion

1100 Boyton, Morning Prayer

1100 Virginstowe, Holy Communion

1800 North Tamerton, Evensong

Sunday 14 July

0915 Werrington, Morning Prayer

1100 St Giles, Morning Prayer

Virginstowe Messy Church outing to Hidden Valley

Sunday 21 July

1000 North Tamerton, Morning Prayer

1100 St Giles, Holy Communion

Sunday 28 July

0930 North Tamerton, Holy Communion

1000 Virginstowe, Morning Prayer

1100 Boyton, Holy Communion and baptism

Tuesday 6 August 7pm at St Mary Magdalene, Launceston

The licensing of Father Michael Dobson to St Mary Magdalene, Launceston and the Boyton Benefice churches