A prayer for Libya and MoroccoLordWe pray for rescue workers, medics and agencies helping survivors with emergency support.We pray that all those affected will be comforted and strengthened, and every need will be met.And Lord, we pray that You will guide and empower Christians as they seek to respond to these disasters and show the love of Jesus.We pray too for all who were and continue to be affected by the major earthquake in northern Turkey and Syria.Amen Based on a prayer from Open Doors UK
Prayer for UkraineIn February 2022, when war in Ukraine began, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York wrote a prayer for the country and its people:A Prayer for UkraineGod of peace and justice,we pray for the people of Ukraine today.We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.We pray for those with power over war or peace,for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,that you would hold and protect them.We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.AmenArchbishop Justin WelbyArchbishop Stephen CottrellAnd here you can listen to the composer John Rutter explain his reaction to news of the invasion of Ukraine, and his musical responseA Ukrainian Prayer, John Rutter - YouTube
6th August The Feast of the Transfiguration0930 Virginstowe Morning Prayer1000 North Tamerton Songs of Praise7th August1430 North Tamerton Funeral13th August0915 Werrington Morning Prayer0930 Boyton Holy Communion1100 St Giles Morning Prayer1100 Virginstowe Holy Communion and baptism (no Messy Church today)1800 North Tamerton Holy Communion20th August0915 Werrington Holy Communion and baptism1000 North Tamerton Morning Prayer1100 St Giles Holy Communion27th August1100 Boyton Morning Prayer1100 Virginstowe Morning Prayer (a more informal service)
You can watch Bishop Philip talking about his call to the Diocese of Winchester here Bishop Philip to leave diocese - Truro Diocese : Truro DioceseYou can also watch Bishop Hugh talking about the future of the Diocese during the vacancy here Bishop Hugh looks to the future - Truro Diocese : Truro DioceseWe will miss Bishop Philip's leadership, and pray for his ministry in Winchester.