Something wonderful happened at St Paternus.

Something wonderful happened at St Paternus.

On Sunday 5th March I attended Holy Communion at St Paternus Parish Church in North Petherwin.

Of course, it was not the first time I have attended Holy Communion. I have done so ever since I was confirmed way back in the 60s. And it is certainly not the first time at St Paternus.

For those of you who don't know it, let me tell you that in this Parish we are blessed with a most beautiful and historic church.

I love Holy Communion. It is a deeply moving service, with the opportunity to sing wonderful hymns, to take communion at the altar rail, to say and listen to wonderful prayers and, on this day, to listen to the most wonderful sermon given by Rev'd Nicki Farr. She delivers her sermons from the heart, in a way that we can all understand and be inspired by.

Above all, Holy Communion is a wonderful service where you can feel at one with God.

If you have never been to this service at St Paternus or do not attend regularly, why don't you pop along on the first Sunday of the month at 4 pm. I just know that you will be glad you did!


PLEASE NOTE. This and all other entries in 'News and Notices' are usually listed in order of date published or amended.