The following are usually listed in order of publishing or amendment date.
Please scroll down the entire list in case you miss something important. Clicking on a title takes you straight to the respective news story. Of great importance is a reminder of our Prayer for peace in Ukraine, the Middle East and throughout our troubled World.
Page 1
Ministry Matters from Rev'd Jess.
News from Our Diocese - December
Angels seen in North Petherwin this ChristmasAdvent & Christmas at St Paternus
Our RemembrancePage 3
St Piran`s Cross Award for Verna Jones.
Page 4
Something wonderful happened at St Paternus
Urgent Help still needed for the people of Ukraine.
Page 5
Ukraine without war - Prayer and Peacetime pictures.
A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine, the Middle East and throughout the World.
Do you have any questions or comments on any of the above stories? If so, please use the 'Send Us a Message' form near the foot of our 'Get in Touch' page, choosing 'Other' as a subject, and we will do our best to help.
PLEASE NOTE: Our church is open for prayers every day during the daytime and we invite you to visit the church as often as possible to pray for peace in Ukraine and throughout the world.