Just A Thought - Doubt

Planet Mars

Just a Thought - Doubt

Do you have doubts about your Christian beliefs? Who doesn't, I wonder? There is so much disbelief in our world today that it is difficult not to be tainted by it.

Whichever way you turn in our modern lives, we see and hear disbelief - be it in books, films, TV, radio, theatre, our workplace and more.

Please don't confuse 'doubt' with 'disbelief'. Disbelief is something which is completely at odds with the truth. It is very often completely unfounded; a state of mind brought about by ignorance. I was once accosted by a man who said that the whole of religious belief was a "load of mumbo jumbo" (words to that effect!) but I suspect he had hardly, if ever, given a moment's thought to what it's all about.

Of course, we are not alone in having doubts. Thomas the Apostle was very unsure about whether or not he was standing face to face with Jesus after the crucifixion until he was shown the wounds inflicted on the cross.

I have a lot of respect for Thomas. He was brave enough to air his doubts and ask the question that was "bugging" him. How many of us would have done the same in similar circumstances? In fact, it is the answer Jesus gave to his question which has given us one of the most graphic images of His resurrection and the profound expression of faith, "My Lord and my God", made by Thomas after seeing those ghastly wounds.

Just look at what religion has given us over the ages. Beautiful buildings, paintings, sculpture and books, the great religious orders of the World encompassing billions of believers across many parts of the Globe. All created by and encompassing thinking men and women with a belief in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Surely they are not wrong!

I think doubt is a healthy encouragement to find out more. To study in greater depth, to find out if you have just reasons for that doubt. So, with religion, the first source of knowledge to turn to would, of course, be the Bible. But there are also numerous religious scholars who have published most readable accounts and opinions and yes, proofs, enough to quell most doubts!

So please don't be over concerned if doubts creep in from time to time. Just make sure that you don't put them aside and be left to smoulder.

Thank you for reading this.


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