Aspects of Humanity

Us humans are complicated creatures aren't we! Made up of myriads of body parts, many of which cannot be seen without the aid of a powerful microscope. Then of course we have the brain, squashed inside the skull, it is not just capable of controlling the numerous body functions but also capable of the most amazing thought processes, such as in creativity, imagination, calculation and much more.

As believers in God, Heaven, life after death and many associated experiences, we also firmly believe that we have a soul. A soul which stays with our body from birth and departs to return to Heaven at the moment of death.

So, not only are we complicated creatures but also unique. Created by God in his own image!

I find this unique creature who, together with billions of others, forms a collective which we call Humanity, to be a fascinating study. And over the next few months I shall be looking at many of the aspects of Humanity and, in particular, how they are closely linked to our Christian religious beliefs.

So please join me as I have a close look at our collective selves. I do hope you find it interesting and enjoyable.