Facilities and features



Plentiful local on street parking and in the adjacent square

Accessible portal oo outside beside the tower

Mobile ramp kept inside main door

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

Ember of Cornwall disability network Memory Cafes with regular training and support to the leaders of our Happy Memories memory cafe which meets fortnightly

Ramp inside main door

Our Building

Church open daily for quiet prayer

A Kemp window plus one 1980s memorial window. All arches glazed with cathedral glass in 19th century

Grade 1 listing

Music and Worship

Weekly practice on Wednesday evening at 7.30 and service ringing every Sunday. We have an active band o 8+ ringers and include regular friends from neighbouring parishes

We use our building for regular large scale concerts I. All styles of music and other performance,

We have a magnificent organ which is played several times a month at services, however we lack a local organist x volunteers welcome!!

CW morning and evening prayer monthly as part of the service pattern

Groups, Courses and Activities

Our Adventure church takes place weekly after school and includes parents and children in Fresh Expressions of church

The church is used for concerts and craft fairs etc, we also run a Lego cafe monthly which welcomes families from this parish and others nearby

We,provide social activities, warm space and meals for the community on a regular basis

Happy memories,memory cafe,
+ Leaders trained in Mental Health First Aid

Memory Cafe open to al ages but mostly attended by Over 60's

Help for Visitors

Guest Wi-Fi available up to 3gb per day

BY arrangement 01288 341468

Guidebooks / Notes

Self help,tea and coffee available at all times with refreshments and meals made on site during services and events

Church unlocked 9-5 other times opening by arrangement with churchwardens

Well behaved dogs always welcome and dog waterbowl outside

Other Features

We aim to use Fairtrade goods as much as possible

There is a food bank collection box inside the church which is regularly emptied as part of our village effort to support Bude Foodbank

We have a hearing loop and amplification system and are able to project video and presentations
We also have a large screen monitor