Deanery Service Sunday 23rd July

for 1 hour
St Marwenne Church, Marhamchurch
2 Penn Cottages, Marhamchurch, Bude, EX23 0HY

We are holding a Deanery service at St Marwennes Church, Marhamchurch, to mark the retirement of Rev David Barnes, Rural Dean for the Stratton Deanery.

St Andrew's Church, Stratton

Welcome to the Parish Church of Stratton.  We hold services every Sunday at 9.30am and every Wednesday at 10.30am, and also a Service of Evensong on the first Sunday of the month at 6.00pm (4.00pm in winter).  Visitors to our services are very welcome.

The church is open daily for private prayer and reflection, or for interested visitors. Our aim is to serve the people of the community regardless of whether they are churchgoers or choose to become Christians.

We are part of the North Kernow Benefice, comprising 5 churches in the area: at Kilkhampton, Launcells, Morwenstow, Poughill and Stratton.

We are very keen to make use of a multi-purpose space at the back of the church, complete with  excellent kitchen facilities, which is suitable both for church use and a space that the church can offer for the use of the local community.  We especially enjoy our shared meals there on Fridays in the winter months and cream teas in the summer.

Get in touch

Val Hopper - Benefice Administrator

Val Hopper
01288 354215
[email protected]

CHURCHWARDENS: Mrs Diana Ohlson and Ms Val Hopper

Diana Ohlson
01288 354441
[email protected]

Val Hopper
01288 354215
[email protected]

Benefice Administrator
01288 354215
Val Hopper Churchwarden
01288 354215 Warden

Our website

What's on

Deanery Service Sunday 23rd July

for 1 hour
St Marwenne Church, Marhamchurch
2 Penn Cottages, Marhamchurch, Bude, EX23 0HY

We are holding a Deanery service at St Marwennes Church, Marhamchurch, to mark the retirement of Rev David Barnes, Rural Dean for the Stratton Deanery.


We at St Andrew’s Church are committed to safeguarding all who worship with us and all who visit the church. We recognise that everyone has different levels of vulnerability and that each of us may be regarded as vulnerable at some time in our lives, but there are particular groups of people who need to be cared for. These include children and at-risk adults.

Who to contact with safeguarding concerns:
Concerns about the well-being and safety of children, young people and adults should be reported to:-

our Safeguarding Officer – Judy Dunne ([email protected]) or in her absence to Rev Teresa Folland (01288 352599).

Where there is an urgent need for intervention, please contact:-

Cornwall Social Services Safeguarding Team on 03001234 131 or out of hours on 01208 251300.

In an emergency, contact the police via 999.