Restoration Appeal

St Michael's Church Restoration Appeal

This was started in September 2023 as a result of the June 2022 Quinquennial Report which highlighted the need for urgent repairs. The roofs have failed and are leaking, and water is running down the walls in places as well. The restoration has been divided into two stages, Stage l Restoring the fabric of the church: re roofing the Nave, Chancel and South Aisle, replacing the gutters, downpipes, extensive stonework and repointing. All this work will ensure the church becomes water tight. Stage ll is concentrating on amenities: the installation of a basic kitchen, two toilets, underground drainage and the upgrading of lighting and heating, this will enable the church to be used for non religious events such as concerts, art exhibitions and coffee mornings and for it to become a community asset. To ensure the church's survival for future generations it needs to be able to generate an income from events.

The Appeal has been divided into different sections. The first was an information evening to the village to explain what was needed and how we were planning to tackle the appeal. Local Grant Bodies and individuals were approached in the first half of 2024 and and events were run in the village throughout the year. In April there was an Auction of Promises which raised £22,000. In August there was a Flower and music Festival (we did not charge an entrance fee for this but raised £350 from tea and cakes and some kind donations) this encouraged non church goers into the church. Each window was beautifully decorated by different people and the musicians were all from the village. In November we had the Eton Music Scholars Concert and raised £10,400. We had 135 people in the church and we were entertained by a very varied programme of music. The church has wonderful acoustics so is a natural venue for musical events.

From a zero base we have raised £191,700.00 towards the cost of Stage l which is £250,000 and we are aiming to start work at the end of March as we cannot delay any longer without seriously damaging the fabric of the church. We have a shortfall of £60,000 which we are hoping to plug before the middle of February when we have to sign a contract with the contractor. If we do not manage to raise this money before then the scope of the work will have to be reduced. We would very much like to avoid this as any item that is left out of Stage l will require scaffolding being put up for a second time and will increase the cost of that item by £22,000.

Early indications are that Stage ll will cost in the region of £200,000 making the total cost of the restoration £450,000.

Just before Christmas we started applying to National Grant Bodies, we had to wait until we had Planning Permission from CDC, Faculty from the Diocese and proof of our Bat Licence for the works before we could approach them. We also had to demonstrate that we had secured a % of funding for the appeal , each Grant Body requires a different % together with their own specific requirements such as "the church needs to be open daily" "the church must be a community asset" etc.

If anyone is able to make a donation we would be so grateful.

Bank Transfer: Barford St Michael & St John Parochial Church Council. Bank: Santander. Account Number: 03602168. Sort Code 090150. Reference: BSM Appeal.

In the meantime we shall keep you updated on the state of the Appeal and the events that the church will be running in 2025.

Updated January 2025.