Facilities and features


There is now a toilet at the back of the nave that is easily accessible. It is designed to take someone in a wheel chair.

Our new toilet has this facility.

There is a car-park at the front of the church in our private road.

Available to all especially those with disabilities.

Autism or Asperger Aware / Accessible
Accessible car parking
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

There is a path for wheelchair users and an electronic door into the church on the north side.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass
Changing place space

Grade ll

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music
Book of Common Prayer Services
Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study on Wednesday mornings from 10.00 am

During school holidays

Help for Visitors

Guidebooks / Notes
Church Open

Other Features

Conservation Area