
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

07754 459174
Carole Grigg, Churchwarden
07831 871665

Getting here

Welcome to the parish church of St Mabyn: St Mabena in the Anglican Diocese of Truro and county of Cornwall England.

St Mabyn Church is a place of Celtic Spirituality—where it is easier to know that God is especially near and to feel free from other demands . Many people understand this idea and come into this church for solitude and peace in times of need. We know very little about St Mabena other than she lived here and shared her faith in Jesus and for that she  is remembered.

And here we are, centuries later, seeking to carry on the business of following and sharing the Good News of Jesus.
We are not all the same but we are challenged to love everyone around us with the same degree of compassion that Jesus had and try hard to help people understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and start to follow him as well.

(Oh by the way – we don’t think we’re that good at all of this yet but part of our mission is to get better!) Our Vision is for a church which is steeped in prayer and open to God's Spirit and together we will seek to grow and enjoy our life in Christ.

St Mabyn
PL30 3BA

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