Morning Prayer

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mewan: St Mewan
St Mewan Truro, PL26 7DP, United Kingdom

A formal act of worship held in the morning. It may be led by a member of the Clergy, a Reader, layperson or Worship Group.

St Mewan: St Mewan

A wonderful historic church to which you are welcome to visit or join us for worship.

Our Safeguarding Team is here to offer support and advice.“Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:

In the parish of St Mewan, Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator:                                                       Stephanie Cornish Tel: 01726 69105 or [email protected]

Further contacts details on the safeguarding page.

Get in touch

Rev Paul Salaman

The Rectory
St Mewan Lane,
St Austell

PL26 7DP
07549 292734
What's on

Morning Prayer

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mewan: St Mewan
St Mewan Truro, PL26 7DP, United Kingdom

A formal act of worship held in the morning. It may be led by a member of the Clergy, a Reader, layperson or Worship Group.