Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mewan: St Mewan
St Mewan Truro, PL26 7DP, United Kingdom

Holy Communion for all

Little Blessings Toddler Group, Tuesdays 9am

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mewan: St Mewan
St Mewan Truro, PL26 7DP, United Kingdom

Every Tuesday - Little Blessings Baby & Toddler group. 9am -10.30am in St Mewan Church Hall during term time . All welcome! Free entry!
Toys, fun, stories, songs and snacks - Bring a piece of fruit to share if you can.
Drop in after the school run and enjoy a coffee with other parents, grandparents and carers. For more information call Christine on 07593 757299

Morning Prayer

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mewan: St Mewan
St Mewan Truro, PL26 7DP, United Kingdom

A formal act of worship held in the morning. It may be led by a member of the Clergy, a Reader, layperson or Worship Group.

An Hour of Prayer

Thursday 14 November 2024, Thursday 28 November 2024, Thursday 12 December 2024 at for 1 hour
St Mewan: St Mewan
St Mewan Truro, PL26 7DP, United Kingdom

An hour of prayer at 10 am on 2nd and 4th Thursdays in St Mewan Church Hall or at St Stephen-in-Brannel Church. Please check at the Service in St Mewan Church for the next location.

2nd and 4th Sundays at St Mewan or St Stephen-in-Brannel. Check in Church. Will continue after Christmas