Who's Who at St Enoder

Rector:                                             Revd. Helen Baber 01637- 880252

Churchwardens:                           Denise Jeffery


PCC Vice Chair:                               Denise Jeffery

PCC Secretary:                              Sandra Worton

PCC Treasurer & Gift Aid:          Chris Moncaster

Health & Safety:                           

Safeguarding:                                In the Parish:     Kat Bromfield - 07415640441

                                                          In the Benefice:  Jackie oglethorpe - 01637 860733

                                                          In the Diocese:   Andy Earl - [email protected] - 01872 274351

                                                          In an emergency situation:      Local Authority Children’s Social Care 0300 123 1116

                                                                                                                   Local Authority Adult’s Social Care 0300 1234131