
The fine peal of eight bells at St Columb Major, Cornwall, are rung presently on 2nd & 4th on Sundays 10:15 - 11:00am and for weddings and other major services and local and national events. Practices are normally held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm.

Visiting ringers, either individuals or bands, are always made welcome but if you're planning to join us on a practice night do check first; Sunday ringing goes ahead without fail.

Read more here.

Tower Captain:                   Phil Tremain

Asst Tower Captains:        David Goodwin & Tamsin Nash

Tower Secretary:               Matthew Rodliffe

Follow St Columb Ringers on Facebook:

If you require further information regarding ringing please send an email via the "Get in Touch" page.

De demonstrating the training bell, MP4


So you want to become a bellringer, PDF


Why do people ring bells, PDF


Why church bells ring, PDF
