Who's Who at St Mawgan

Rector:                                               Revd. Helen Baber  01637-880252

Churchwarden:                                Jackie Oglethorpe

                                                             Peter Richardson

PCC Vice Chair:                                 Jackie Oglethorpe 

PCC Secretary:                                 Rev Angela Butler    (co-opted)

PCC Electoral Roll Officer:            Viv Farmer

PCC Treasurer & Gift Aid :            David Oglethorpe

Health and Safety:                         Jackie Oglethorpe

                                                             Peter Richardson

Organist:                                           Nancy Barker

Tower Captain:                                Glynis Jones

Tower Secretary:                            Clifford Mitchell

Safeguarding:                                 In the Parish:  Jackie Oglethorpe 01637-860733

                                                           In the Benefice: Jackie Oglethorpe 01637-860733

                                                           In the Diocese: Andy Earl - [email protected] - 01872 274351                                                                                                      

                                                           In an emergency situation: Children’s Social Care 0300 123 1116

                                                                                                                Adult’s Social Care 0300 1234131