Money Money Money

Money Matters

The Parish of Kenwyn with St Allen is a charity, registration number 1134349.

Like many charities the pattern of financial donations is changing, with less people currently able to attend services and the planned programme of fundraising and social events cancelled.

There are, however, many ways to keep giving to support our churches:

1) Make a direct bank transfer to the PCC account:

Kenwyn with St Allen PCC

Sort code: 20-87-94

Account number: 50546844

2) Join the Parish Giving Scheme (church members) and make a regular monthly payment. See:

(details available from Robert Perry: 01872 277117)

3) Join the Wider Community Parish Giving Scheme (non church members). (Details similar to above)

4) Give on-line using this link:

5) Make a cash / card donation when you visit either Kenwyn or St Allen Church/attend a service.

Thank you for your continuing support