Facilities and features


Parking in the Village Community centre next door to the church

In the Community cenre

In the Community Centre car park

Located next door in The Roseland Inn

Wheel chair access via Main Door and wheel chair in church for public use.

Upgraded recently with the upgrade to our sound system

Large Print

Safeguarding practice is regularly revised and every service has a safeguarding representative attending. All vulnerable adults are welcome, respected and will be safe in our Church family.

Our Building

Listed Building

Music and Worship

At present we have vacancies for bell ringers . The Tower Captain can arrange ringers for special services.

We regularly use a keyboard for services . The organ is used occasionally and is available for special events as requested. We do not have a regular organist.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Every fourth Sunday with family worship

Monthly Refugee collections. Donations are left in the rear of the church. Information is also found at the back of the church

Help for Visitors

Notes on the church history are available at the church welcome desk.

From 9.00am to 5.00pm every day sometimes linger during the Summer months

Other Features

We are a Fair Trade church and have a stall inside the church every day of the week with an Honesty Box for Payment or put a cheque into the donations box marked on the back 'Fair Trade '. With our sister church Gerrans we hold Fair Trade events in the year.

A collection point in the church.

A screen, projector and blue tooth facility available .
An 8 channel mixer for live music ( 4 voice channels and 4 instrument channels)
4 Radio Microhones available.

Part of the churchyard is a wildlife conservation area.