Worshipping At Home in the Land's End

Every Saturday at for 1 hour
St Buryan: St Buriana
St Buryan: St Buriana, B3283 St Buryan Truro, TR19 6AB, United Kingdom

During the Covid19 pandemic we are exploring ways to worship as a church at home. Currently if you go to the Facebook page "Land's End Churches" there is a weekly service at 6pm every Saturday. If you join the group on Facebook "Worship at Land's End" we have a live evening prayer most nights, available all evening! Or email me [email protected] to be added to our email list who receive a weekly service of prayers and reflection to use at home. Do look at the blog for regular reflections and prayers. https://wordpress.com/home/canonvanda.wordpress.com We continue to take funerals however until we are allowed back in church we cannot take baptism or wedding yet. With every blessing, Vanda Perrett Rector

Midweek Mass

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
St Levan Parish Church
The Valley St Levan Truro, TR19 6JT, United Kingdom

A said Common Worship Eucharist without music

Messy Church

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Levan Parish Church
The Valley St Levan Truro, TR19 6JT, United Kingdom

Messy Church in the Land's End Benefice, alternate months starting with January on second Sundays between 4.30 and 6pm. Arts, crafts, cookery and fun with some science and games too! All welcome. Please see Land's End Churches page on Facebook for details or contact the Rector [email protected]

January, March, May, July, September, November plus other events.