Facilities and features


Accessible Toilet

Ramps are available at both entrances; the South and West doors

Hearing (induction) Loop

Large print pew slips for the Sunday Eucharist readings and Gospel are available. Large print hymn books available.

Assistance Dogs

Main doors in and out of the church are wide for access and there are portable ramps up to the doors available

Our Building

Open for individual prayer

mainly memorial glass windows; 1889 (north wall), 1934 (east window) , Hedgeland window, restored into light box 1990s
glass tesserae behind the high altar.

St.Michael's is a Grade II listed church
The adjacent Andrew Hall , used by the church community for after-service refreshments and meetings , is also Grade II listed and was the old church school .

Music and Worship

Regular bellringing for services, occasions and practices. 8 Bells

Regular concerts and live music throughout the year

1907 installed and modified in 1970

Book of Common Prayer Services

StMichael's has an excellent 4 part choir singing every week, led by our experienced organist and choir leader.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Mothers Union

Help for Visitors

Up to date comprehensive guide to the church and its environs within the church.

Church Open
Dog friendly

Other Features

Conservation Area

Our church hall is on two floors; wooden floor, stage, kitchenette on first floor and fully equipped kitchen on ground floor. Toilets Daily or hourly hire . Reasonable rates