In January, February, March, November, December. Every Second Sunday at for 45 mins
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD
BENEFICE OFFICE: St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys, HENLEY ON THAMES RG9 4QD Manned Wednesday 01491628297 otherwise telephone transferred, RG9 4QD, United Kingdom

PLEASE NOTE THAT the celebration of The Order of Evening Prayer (BCP) on the second Sunday of each month takes place at 5pm during BST namely April, May, June, July, September and October. There is no service in August.

Greys Bible Study Group

Every Monday at for 1 hour
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD
BENEFICE OFFICE: St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys, HENLEY ON THAMES RG9 4QD Manned Wednesday 01491628297 otherwise telephone transferred, RG9 4QD, United Kingdom

The Bible Study group meet on Mondays at 2.00—3.00pm in the Elizabeth Room at St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys.

Please do join them so that you too can find out more about this extraordinary book of books, the Bible, amid happiness and a cup of tea.
For further details please contact Julia on 01491 628693.

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Benefice Office

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD

The Benefice Office is generally manned on Wednesdays from 12.30pm - 3.30pm. Please note that we have changed our telephone number. Our new number is 07899 612394

Lent Course 2025

for 28 days, 15 hours, 45 mins
St. James, Bix
Bix Hill Bix Henley-on-Thames, RG9 6BX, United Kingdom

Lent Course 2025

The Lent Course this year is entitled “A Birds Eye View of the Old Testament”. We will be looking at the storyline and main themes of the OT over the five weeks of Lent.

The dates are:
Thursday 13 March “Beginnings” – Genesis
Thursday 20 March “Foundations” - Exodus - Deuteronomy
Thursday 27 March “The Land and the King” - Joshua - 1 Kings
Thursday 3 April “Decline and disaster” - 1 Kings - 2 Chronicles (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos - Zephaniah)
Thursday 10 April "Exile and Restoration" - Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)

Meeting at St James Bix 3 - 4pm (Tea and coffee from 2.30). If you plan to come, it would be very helpful to have some rough idea of the numbers, even if you can’t make every session. But still come even if you haven’t replied.

We are also more than happy to do the same course on a Wednesday evening if there is enough demand. Please let the Benefice Office know as soon as possible if you would be interested - [email protected].


In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD
BENEFICE OFFICE: St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys, HENLEY ON THAMES RG9 4QD Manned Wednesday 01491628297 otherwise telephone transferred, RG9 4QD, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion Order One Traditional Language takes place at 10.30am


Every First Wednesday at for 2 hours
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD
BENEFICE OFFICE: St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys, HENLEY ON THAMES RG9 4QD Manned Wednesday 01491628297 otherwise telephone transferred, RG9 4QD, United Kingdom

A gathering on the first Wednesday of each month to give the community an opportunity to get together to meet the neighbours, meet old friends and make new ones. A chance to see how the village works and find out if there are any events in which you would like to participate - it's a sort of ongoing freshers week. Come and join - us you will be very welcome. It takes place in the morning during the winter months at 10.00am-noon and in the afternoon at 2pm-4pm during the summer months. Please telephone the Benefice Office 01491 628297 to check when the changeover from winter to summer happens.

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Services at St Nicholas during Holy Week and Easter

for 7 days, 13 hours, 45 mins
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD
BENEFICE OFFICE: St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys, HENLEY ON THAMES RG9 4QD Manned Wednesday 01491628297 otherwise telephone transferred, RG9 4QD, United Kingdom

Please do come and join us at one of our special services during Holy Week and Easter, you will be most welcomed.

Palm Sunday, 13th April
5.00pm Choral Evensong, St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys

Maundy Thursday, 17th April
8.00pm St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys

Easter Day, Sunday 20th April
11.00am Holy Communion, St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys

Services for Holy Week and Easter across the Benefice

for 7 days, 13 hours, 15 mins
St. James, Bix
Bix Hill Bix Henley-on-Thames, RG9 6BX, United Kingdom
Nettlebed St Bartholomew
High Street Nettlebed Henley-on-Thames, RG9 5DA, United Kingdom
Pishill (dedication unknown)
Church Hill Pishill Henley-on-Thames, RG9 6HJ, United Kingdom
St. Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys (Nettlebed & Greys Benefice) RG9 4QD
BENEFICE OFFICE: St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys, HENLEY ON THAMES RG9 4QD Manned Wednesday 01491628297 otherwise telephone transferred, RG9 4QD, United Kingdom

We do hope that you can join us for one or more of our services across Holy Week and Easter.

Palm Sunday, 13th April
10.30am Holy Communion, St James, Bix
11.30am Morning Prayer, Holy Trinity, Nuffield
5.00pm Choral Evensong, St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys

Maundy Thursday:
8.00pm St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys

Good Friday:
12.00pm St Bartholomews, Nettlebed

Easter Day, Sunday 20th April
9.15am Holy Communion, St Bartholomews, Nettlebed
9.30am Family Worship, St James, Bix
11.00am Holy Communion, St Nicholas, Rotherfield Greys
11.30am Holy Communion, Holy Trinity, Nuffield