Facilities and features


There is a disabled lavatory within the Elizabeth Building which is open whenever there is a service

There are baby changing facilities within the Elizabeth Building which is open whenever there is a service

Car parking is beside boundary north wall of the church

There is a defib outside the village public house called The Maltsters Arms which is adjacent to the church

The church is relatively easy to access with a wheel chair. There is an extra step at the chancel to allow people to get closer to be able to view the Knollys Chapel but no ramp

A hearing loop is fitted at St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas is able to provide larger printed hymnals

Assistant dogs are welcome

Our Building

St. Nicholas is open daily for private prayer from 10am - 4pm and all are welcome

Almighty God, who has given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common supplications unto thee; and dost promise that when two or three are gathered together in they Name thou wilt grant their requests: fulfil now, O Lord, the desires and petitions of thy servants as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of they truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen

Please refer to the guide leaflets in the church

St.Nicholas is heated with individual electric pew heaters and lit with LED light bulbs

Please refer to the guide leaflets in the church

Music and Worship

A small but very proficient choir leads the choral works at the services at St. Nicholas and anyone who enjoys choral singing would be welcome to join the choir, please contact the organist through the Benefice Office

The Organ was given in 1972 in memory of Audrey Malim. It was built by the firm of W. Walker and Sons Limited. It consists of 6 basic ranks, 464 pipes in all, 2 ranks unenclosed, 4 ranks enclosed in swell box. The compass of the manuals CC-C 61 notes and the compass of the pedals CCC-F 30 notes. In 1974 a Quint 10 2/3 foot stop was added to the pedal organ. During 2022 the organ had a complete re-fit.

The Book of Common Prayer is used as regularly and as often possible at St. Nicholas

A small but very proficient choir leads the choral works at the services at St. Nicholas and anyone who enjoys choral singing would be welcome to join the choir, please contact the organist through the Benefice Office

Groups, Courses and Activities

The Bible Study Group on ZOOM meet on Wednesdays @ 4.00 p.m. and if you interested in joining, please email the office on [email protected]
Greys Church Bible Study Group Meets on Mondays 2-3.30pm in the Elizabeth Room. All are welcome for informal discussion over tea and biscuits. Our current topic is the book of Esther, following on from our studies of Ezra and
Nehemiah. For more information phone Julia on 628693

Tea or Coffee with biscuits are served after our morning services in the Elizabeth Room

Help for Visitors

There are guide leaflets in the Church

On the first Wednesday of each month Andrea's Cafe welcomes for Coffee and cake in the morning during GMT 10am - 12 noon and tea and cake in the afternoon during BST 2pm - 4pm ring or text Sue on 07932323263 for more information or email: [email protected]

St. Nicholas Church is open daily between 10am and 4pm

Other Features

St. Nicholas operates a collection point for the Henley on Thames Food Bank operated by Nomad

St. Nicholas Church is situated in an area designated of Outstanding Natural Beauty and nearby is the National Trust property Greys Court. There are close links between Greys Court and St. Nicholas Church all of which are detailed in the leaflet guide

The Elizabeth Room is avalable for hire - please contact The Benefice Office 01491 628297 - email: [email protected]