Informal service
- Occurring
- Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 30 mins
- Venue
- St Mary Magdalene
- Address Church Lane Westerfield Ipswich, IP6 9BE, United Kingdom
This is a short informal service which lasts about 30 minutes and is deliberately intended to be suitable for both children and adults. It normally has one song, a prayer, a Bible reading and something else e.g. colouring a picture while listening to some music. The service is valued by those who like its simplicity, informality and brevity!
If you haven't been to church before, or not for a long while, this is an ideal way to try it out gently. And there's tea/coffee, biscuits (and sometimes cake) afterwards.
Informal service
Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at 11 a.m. for 30 mins
Informal service
Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at 11 a.m. for 30 mins