Mid-week readings & prayers

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary Magdalene
St Mary Magdalene, Church Lane Westerfield Ipswich, IP6 9BE, United Kingdom

A short midweek service with Bible readings, thoughts about those readings, and prayers.

Family Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary Magdalene
Church Lane Westerfield Ipswich, IP6 9BE, United Kingdom

We remember Jesus’ last meal by sharing bread and wine. The booklet and the Vicar explain what to do as we go along. If you’re confirmed, or you take communion in another church or denomination, then you’re very welcome to take communion with us. But if you can’t, or don’t want to, you’re still very welcome to come up to the alter rail for a blessing. Children are very welcome to come up for a blessing too. The whole service lasts about an hour.

Informal service

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 30 mins
St Mary Magdalene
Church Lane Westerfield Ipswich, IP6 9BE, United Kingdom

This is a short informal service which lasts about 30 minutes and is deliberately intended to be suitable for both children and adults. It normally has one song, a prayer, a Bible reading and something else e.g. colouring a picture while listening to some music. The service is valued by those who like its simplicity, informality and brevity!
If you haven't been to church before, or not for a long while, this is an ideal way to try it out gently. And there's tea/coffee, biscuits (and sometimes cake) afterwards.

Morning Worship

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
St Mary Magdalene
Church Lane Westerfield Ipswich, IP6 9BE, United Kingdom

This is a service without communion. It lasts about 45 minutes and has hymns, Bible readings, a sermon (which lasts about 10 minutes) and prayers. Everything is set out in a service booklet so you’ll know when to stand or sit; when to listen and when to join in.
The hymns are a mixture of modern and traditional using hymn books.
As with all the services, everyone, whatever their age, is very welcome; it’s quite relaxed and no-one will put any pressure on you to do or say anything