About Us
St Mary's is a friendly and loving church welcoming to people of all ages. and ethenticity
Our reordered interior gives a modern feel to the traditional looking exterior giving us a good mix of the old and new living side by side.
This also reflects our worship style from BCP to the more informal and ever popular All Age services. We are a growing church both numerically and spiritually.
We are also committed to serving our community and provide a wide range of community activities. Please contact the church office 01394 670090 regarding weddings, baptisms or if you require a private meeting with a member of the clergy. For funerals please contact your local funeral director who will know how to contact members of our clergy.
During the week there are Mid week prayers on Wednesday 9.30am, Various house groups, Men's fellowship and Mothers union. 123 Parents and Toddlers meets on Wed at 1pm.