Quilt Exhibition in All Saints Gt Glemham

for 1 day, 6 hours
Gt Glemham, All Saints
The Street Gt Glemham Saxmundham, IP17 2DA, United Kingdom

Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 September
10-4pm Entry £3 Sales Table and Refreshments
In aid of All Saint's Church Gt Glemham

Blaxhall, St Peter

St Peter's Blaxhall is a typical rural country Church, surrounded by its hedged churchyard and farmland in east Suffolk. Whilst not an architectural gem, St Peter's has a number of interesting features and a simple charm. The many visitors often remark on a sense of peace and an obviously very active and well-loved Church. These pages attempt to convey some of these characteristics and a synopsis of future events.

Get in touch

Miranda Barclay

What's on

Quilt Exhibition in All Saints Gt Glemham

for 1 day, 6 hours
Gt Glemham, All Saints
The Street Gt Glemham Saxmundham, IP17 2DA, United Kingdom

Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 September
10-4pm Entry £3 Sales Table and Refreshments
In aid of All Saint's Church Gt Glemham