Sunday service

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Lawrence, Knodishall

Please note that our main Sunday morning services are held at 09.30am, unless otherwise stipulated below. The 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month are usually Holy Communion services, the 1st Sunday is a BCP Morning Prayer service, and the 3rd Sunday is Service of the Word (which is a shorter service and extremely suitable for families).

Scheduled services are as follows :
15 Dec : NO morning service
15 Dec : 6pm Carol Service at Knodishall Village Hall - Accompanied by British Legion Band
22 Dec : Holy Communion CW led by Revd Sarah du Boulay
24 Dec : Tuesday CHRISTMAS EVE : Midnight Mass at Aldringham Church
25 Dec : Wednesday CHRISTMAS DAY : Holy Communion led by Revd Mary Brown
29 Dec : BENEFICE Service at Aldringham Church

Tuesday morning "Prayer Walk"

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Lawrence, Knodishall
Knodishall with Buxlow Saxmundham, IP17 1TP, United Kingdom

A morning "Prayer Walk" is held every Tuesday morning at 9am (lasting approximately 30 minutes) to give thanks for all that God has provided, and to pray for the residents of Knodishall. The walk can take a different route each week, and everyone is most welcome. For details of where to meet please email Sarah ([email protected]) or Mary ([email protected])