Sunday service

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Lawrence, Knodishall

Please note that our main Sunday morning services are held at 09.30am, unless otherwise stipulated below. The 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month are usually Holy Communion services, the 1st Sunday is a BCP Morning Prayer service, and the 3rd Sunday is Service of the Word (which is a shorter service and extremely suitable for families).

Scheduled services are as follows :
23 Feb : Holy Communion CW led by Revd Mary Brown
02 Mar : Morning Prayer BCP led by Revd Mary Brown
05 Mar : ASH WEDNESDAY Holy Communion at 6pm led by Revd Mary Brown
09 Mar : Holy Communion CW led by Revd Sarah du Boulay
16 Mar : Morning Praise led by Ros Macallister
23 Mar : Holy Communion CW led by Revd Mary Brown
30 Mar : Mothering Sunday led by Ros Macallister

Tuesday morning "Prayer Walk"

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Lawrence, Knodishall
Knodishall with Buxlow Saxmundham, IP17 1TP, United Kingdom

A morning "Prayer Walk" is held every Tuesday morning at 9am (lasting approximately 30 minutes) to give thanks for all that God has provided, and to pray for the residents of Knodishall. The walk can take a different route each week, and everyone is most welcome. For details of where to meet please email Sarah ([email protected]) or Mary ([email protected])

Ash Wednesday service

for 1 hour
St Lawrence, Knodishall
Knodishall with Buxlow Saxmundham, IP17 1TP, United Kingdom

On Ash Wednesday, many Christians attend special church services where priests hand-draw ash crosses on parishioners’ foreheads or the tops of their heads. The ashes symbolize the dust God used to create humans and remind us of grief over the sins we’ve committed.

We are very pleased to advise that St Lawrence Church at Knodishall are again hosting a Benefice "Ashing" service on Ash Wednesday, which this year is on March 5th and will be at 6pm. This is a poignant and meaningful time, it will be a Holy Communion service led by Revd Mary Brown, and all are very welcome.

FUN QUIZ evening

for 2 hours, 15 mins
Knodishall Village Hall
Knodishall Village Hall

The first "Fun Quiz” quiz to be held this year to raise funds for St Lawrence Church. So if you want to come along on Friday 7 March at Knodishall Village Hall for an evening of fun, laughter, good food, good company, spot prizes - oh, and also to answer a few questions - then please phone Pat on 01728 832653 to book your table. Maximum of 6 per team, £7.50 per person, supper provided but bring your own drinks. Quiz starts promptly at 7pm. Come and join us for a fun night.....