Together Magazine (Benefice)

The quarterly magazine Together covers Helmingham, Framsden, Pettaugh Winston, Debenham, Aspall and Kenton, which comprise the Debenham and Helmingham Benefice.

Editor: Tony Hutt
Email: [email protected]
Tel (01728) 860173
19 Priory Lane, Debenham, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 6QD

Kate Branch, The Red House, Winston, Stowmarket IP14 6LG Tel (01728) 861004 Email: [email protected].
Horizontal slice: 1/8 page for £20 p.a. (4 issues); ¼ page for £40 p.a.; ½ page for £80 p.a.
Send advertising enquiries and copy to Tony Hutt.

700 copies are distributed free to churches in the Benefice (listed above) and to other outlets including shops in Debenham. Published quarterly, A5 format, produced on Rizograph stencil copier. Publication is approximately two weeks after the copy deadline.

Copy dates:
25 April for June-Aug issue
25 July for Sept-Nov issue
25 October for Dec-Feb issue
25 January for Mar-May issue

Send copy to the Editor by email. Attachments should ideally be in Word or Publisher format but any text format is good. If you cannot send by email, post to the address above.

Latest issue

The current issue of the magazine can be viewed or downloaded by following the link below. For previous or forthcoming issues, contact the editor. Issues from December 2018 onwards can also be viewed here, including a forthcoming issue if available.

Together Magazine Spring March-May, PDF
