Churchwarden needed

St Andrew’s, Marlesford needs a new churchwarden. This information will help you decide whether you might be interested in taking on a very interesting role in the life of the parish.


General administration

· Maintain the log book, kept in the vestry, of work done. All works must have either a Faculty or Archdeacon’s Certificate, both of which can be completed on-line. Both are applied for after the job specification and estimate have been obtained from our architect Nicholas Jacob, and a quote from the builder.

· The annual report is compiled with the vice chairman of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). This is completed in the early part of the year, and is approved at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, after which it is emailed to the diocesan offices. It should be fixed to the church notice board three weeks before the APCM. The treasurer compiles the financial report which is approved before the APCM.

· Statistics for Mission must be completed annually, and the form is emailed out from the diocese.

· After election as churchwarden, the churchwardens attend the Archdeacon’s Visitation when a declaration is handed in which confirms the churchwarden in role.

· The inventory of church fixtures and fittings has to be checked.


· If possible be on hand to help out at baptisms, weddings and funerals. Those involved with any of these services may contact the churchwarden in advance for advice. The churchwarden may need to mark the site of the grave for the gravedigger.

· Help setting out the church for services and tidy afterwards.

· Give Carol Cooke, Elder, assistance with service planning and rotas.

· Check that numbers of attended at services are entered in the register.

Help from others

· Currently Susan Wilson compiles both the cleaning and flower rotas

· Richard Cooper and Susan Wilson have taken over responsibility for churchyard maintenance and have a list of volunteers they can call on to help.