Sunday 5th January
9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Athelington JM
9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne EG
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Wingfield EG
4.00 pm, Messy Christingle, Syleham church ML + team
Sunday 12th January
Baptism of Christ
9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield RC
9.30 for 10.00 am, Café Church, Hoxne ML
Sunday 19th January
Second Sunday of Epiphany
9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne JM
10.00 am, Village Service, Syleham ML
11.15 am, BCP Holy Communion, Horham JM
6.00 pm, Evensong, Wingfield EG
Sunday 26th January
Third Sunday of Epiphany
9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Syleham EG
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Denham JM
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG
4.00 pm, All Age service, Hoxne EG
Sunday 2nd February
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Athelington EG
9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Hoxne JM
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Wingfield JM
4.00 pm, Messy Church, Syleham and Wingfield Village Hall ML + team
Sunday 9th February
Fourth Sunday before Lent
9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Redlingfield RC
9.30 for 10.00 am, Café Church, Hoxne EG
Sunday 16th February
Third Sunday before Lent
9.30 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne EG
10.00 am, Village Service, Syleham ML
11.15 am, BCP Holy Communion, Horham EG
6.00 pm, Evensong, Wingfield JM
Sunday 23rd February
Second Sunday before Lent
9.30 am, BCP Holy Communion, Syleham JM
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Denham EG
11.00 am, CW Holy Communion, Hoxne JM
4.00 pm, All Age service, Hoxne EG
EG - Revd Eleanor Goodison
JM - Revd John McCracken
RC - Revd Richard Court
ML - Mary Lewis
BI - Barbara Irwin