May Newsletter 2022


The March Equinox Event at Barsham produced a fine spectacle on the days either side of the Equinox but not on the day itself, when the sky was overcast. The turn-out included a small core of regular attenders.

Pots of spring flowers were distributed in church on Mothering, Sunday 27th March, and palm crosses on Palm Sunday, 10th April.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting took place at the church on Thursday 31stMarch. Bridget and Diana kindly agreed to continue as Churchwardens and current members of the PCC agreed to continue.

A team of six gathered on the afternoon of 12th April for the cleaning of the church brass.

157 items were kindly donated to the Food Bank in March. Growing pressures on the cost of living make our contributions ever more important and for the time being we have been asked particularly for items such as nappies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap and washing up liquid.

Regarding Sunday collections, Colin reminds us that GIFT AID is a vital part of our church’s finances, permitting us to claim the tax element on all contributions and donations we receive. Whilst it is important to secure support in this way from tax payers, non-tax payers too have a major role to play as up to £8,000 per annum of their total donations are also eligible for the same tax relief. It is, however, imperative that non-tax payers do not attempt to use the Gift Aid Scheme (gift aid envelopes or standing orders) as HMRC will almost certainly demand reimbursement from the donor concerned. A tax payer is defined as one who pays Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax. With Gift Aid we are able to enhance all contributions by 25%. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Colin, our Church Treasurer.

Since the last Newsletter Sarah Jane has achieved two further sales of the Learners’ legacy teddy bears, yielding £197 and £55, bringing the cumulative total for the bears to an impressive £879. The sales table organised by Bridget raised an excellent total of £178 which, together with the surplus Easter lily money, will be donated to the Diocesan Responding to the Crisis in Ukraine Appeal.

Looking ahead to the winter, the Love Box Appeal has been suspended this year due to the crisis in Ukraine and Moldova. In its place there is likely to be a fund-raising appeal for the Mustard Seed charity later in the year to support the charity’s aid work with refugees from the war.


There will be a Service of Confirmation for Benefice confirmands at Holy Trinity, Bungay on Sunday 1st May at 3pm. At the same service the Revd Edward Land will be licensed as Associate Minister for the Lightwave Rural Hub and Heather Land as Director of the Lightwave Community Choir.

There are still some places available for the wine tasting at the Old Rectory, 6pm to 8pm on Saturday 14th May, at the kind invitation of Howard Trust. Tickets can be purchased at the back of the church after Sunday service. Tickets cost £15 each and will cover all costs for the evening with the balance contributed to a Ukraine charitable fund.

The Concert by the SuAnLo Trio on Saturday 21st May will be from 3pm to 4pm at Barsham Church. The time for this concert is now confirmed as 3pm. There will be no interval, but tea and cakes will be served afterwards. Tickets are available from Bridget and Diana and cost £12.

The Trio, from San Sebastian in Spain, consists of Loreto Aramendi (‘Lo’), Professor at the Conservatoire of San Sebastian and principal organist at the Basilica de Santa Maria del Coro in San Sebastian; Ana Salaberria (‘An’), an accomplished singer and teacher of classical and popular music; and Suzanna Guterl (‘Su’), a concert flautist.

The Queen’s Jubilee Lunch at the Village Hall on Sunday 5th June is likely to be a bring-your-own picnic event. Further details to follow.

SNIPPETS – Saints and Martyrs: a Lesser Festival in May

On May the 4th a Lesser Festival in the Church of England celebrates the Saints and Martyrs of the English Reformation. Whilst the heresy laws of Henry VIII (1509-1547) and Mary I (1553-1558), targeted Protestants, a smaller number of Catholics and dissenting radical Christians were put to death at the hands of the Protestant regimes of Edward VI (1547-1553), Elizabeth I (1558-1603) and James I (1603-1625). In Mary’s reign at least 280 Protestants were burned at the stake for standing by their beliefs and rejecting Catholic doctrine. Amongst them were three men – Thomas Spicer, John Denny and Edmund Poole – brought to Beccles to be tried

and then burned at the stake in the same fire in May 1556. According to Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, a certain Beccles resident called Robert Bacon (no relation!) incited the onlookers to throw faggots onto the fire ‘to stop the knaves’ breaths’.

The collect for 4th May begins: ‘O merciful God, who, when thy Church on earth was torn apart by the ravages of sin, didst raise up men and women in this land who witnessed to their faith with courage and constancy…’

Thus, on 4th May we celebrate the courage and Godliness of the martyrs on both sides during the English Reformation and recall the evils of bigotry. Maybe too, with the rise of authoritarian regimes around the world, it is apt that we should celebrate the freedom of conscience that we enjoy in the UK today.


Sunday 24th April – Second Sunday of Easter. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Canon John Fellows.

Sunday 1st May – Third Sunday of Easter. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Jonathan Olanczuk.

Sunday 1st May – Licensing of Edward and Heather Land and Service of Confirmation, 3pm at Holy Trinity, Bungay.

Sunday 8th May – Fourth Sunday of Easter. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Josh Bailey.

Sunday 15th May – Fifth Sunday of Easter. 11am Sung Eucharist (CW). Rev Roy Wormald.

Sunday 22nd May – Sixth Sunday of Easter. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Canon John Fellows.

Thursday 26th May – Ascension Day. 9am Holy Communion. Ilketshall St Margaret. Rev Josh Bailey.

Sunday 29th May – Seventh Sunday of Easter – Benefice Service at Barsham, 10.30am. Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Edward Land.

Every Wednesday at 8.45am – Matins at Barsham

Every Wednesday at 10am – Holy Communion (CW) at Holy Trinity, Bungay.

Church correspondent: Robert Bacon 01502 710945, [email protected]