February Newsletter 2022


The service on Sunday 30 January is a Benefice Holy Communion to be held at Holy Trinity Bungay.

With the easy transmissibility of the Omicron variant of the virus in mind, it was agreed at the PCC meeting on 6  January that for the time being refreshments would not be served after Sunday service. The Sales Table, however, would resume on the fourth Sunday of each month, starting again on Sunday 23 January.

244 items were kindly donated to the Food Bank in December. Thank you for your support of the Food Bank throughout last year.

Two new visitors’ guidebooks to the church will be available by the spring. One will be a handy short guide, free of charge, and the other will be a more detailed guide for which there will be a charge.


The concert by the SuAnLo Trio scheduled for Friday 21 January in Barsham Church has had to be postponed due to the difficulties created by the Omicron wave of the pandemic. We can now look forward to a rescheduled concert on the afternoon of Saturday 14 May. It will be a summer afternoon concert with tea and cakes instead of a cold, dark winter evening concert! Further details will be available in due course.

The Spring Equinox Event – the illumination of the rood by a shaft of late afternoon sunlight from the tower windows – will take place in the church on the afternoons of 19, 20 and 21 March. Further details to follow.


Sunday 23 January – Third Sunday after the Epiphany, 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Canon John Fellows.

Sunday 30 January – Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany. 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Bungay. Rev Josh Bailey.

Wednesday 2 February Candlemas: Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

Sunday 6 February – Fourth Sunday before Lent. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Jonathan Olanczuk.

Sunday 13 February – Third Sunday before Lent. 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Josh Bailey.

Sunday 20 February – Second Sunday before Lent, 11am Sung Eucharist (CW). Rev Roy Wormald.

Sunday 27 February – Sunday before Lent, 11am Sung Eucharist (BCP). Rev Canon John Fellows.

Every Wednesday at 10am – Holy Communion (CW) at Holy Trinity, Bungay.