January Newsletter 2022


The Christmas Carol Service on the evening of 19 December attracted a congregation of nearly 50 people despite new public health concerns. Cheryl sang beautifully the opening verse of Once in Royal, the seven lessons were read by members of the congregation and Rev Josh led the service and preached. Thanks to the flower team, led by Diana, the church looked splendid and the candles on the windowsills and on the candelabra in front of the rood added much to the atmosphere. Regrettably, there could be no refreshments afterwards, but the raffle went ahead. Many thanks to all who donated towards the hampers, those who bought tickets, and to Jean Cooksley who made such a gorgeous-looking cake.

Cheryl, who is the organiser of the Beccles area Suffolk Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride, would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the event this year. The total raised in Suffolk was a record-breaking £160,678, of which Beccles area made a bumper £5,968 and Barsham alone totalled £1,085, half of which comes to Barsham Church funds. The remainder goes to the SHCT central fund, which is available to make valuable grants to small churches like ours.

Cheryl would like to find a successor for her role as organiser but is happy to work alongside someone else in 2022. It is not a time-consuming role: the main effort is in July with the distribution of Ride and Stride packs to the local church organizers, a task that can be shared amongst several volunteers. Please do let Cheryl know if you might be willing to take over as area organiser.

A tremendous 343 items were donated to the Food Bank, including Christmas food, surplus Love Box items such as knitted gloves and scarves, and some of the teddy bears that Sarah Jane has been curating. The last Sales Table of the year raised £160. Warmest thanks to everyone who has contributed financially and with gifts in kind.

When he died two years ago, Mike Learner gifted to Barsham church through his will a large collection of teddy bears that had belonged to his wife Josie. Mike and Josie, of Grange Farm in Barsham, were generous supporters of the church and Mike’s signature honey tray bake was famous amongst the Barsham congregation! Mike was responsible for the electrical installations during the post-fire restoration work of 1979-1982, so it seems appropriate now that the proceeds from the sale of the bears should go towards modernising the lighting in the church. Sarah Jane has taken on the task of looking after more than 1,300 teddy bears, sorting them and identifying those with value, including one Stieff (see below) and three from Harrods, and finding opportunities to sell them or otherwise disperse them appropriately. Over 100 were sold at the switching on of the Beccles Christmas lights, more at events in Bungay and Ringsfield, and Durrants will include a batch in their February auction. Over £250 has been raised so far.


SuAnLo Concert in Barsham Church at 7pm on Friday 21 January. The trio, from San Sebastian in Spain, features an organist, flautist and soprano voice. They will play a programme of music from the classical repertoire, popular film music and a little taste of Spain. Tickets cost £10 each and will be on sale from Bridget and Diana from the first Sunday of the New Year - Covid regulations permitting. THIS CONCERT HAS NOW BEEN POSTPONED IN THE INTERESTS OF COVID SAFETY.