August Newsletter 2021

Congratulations to our new Priest in Charge, Rev’d Josh Bailey, who was Licensed by Bishop Mike on 28 June at Holy Trinity, Bungay. We were delighted that he took his first service at Barsham on 11 July.

The PCC welcomed Rev’d Josh Bailey to his first full PCC meeting on 1 July and further PCC meetings were held on 8 July and 15 July to agree practical arrangements for the Summer Lunch at Shipmeadow Church.

The congregation showed its appreciation to Rev’d Tony Norton on 4 July when he took his final service at Barsham after 14 years serving on the team of priests who so kindly take our Sunday services. We wish him a happy ‘retirement’.

Numbers in the choir are currently low and new members are warmly welcomed. Further information may be obtained from Bridget or Diana, Churchwardens (contact details on the front cover).

More volunteers are needed for the cleaning rota. If you can help, please contact one of the Churchwardens.

Having been assessed as a hazard, the lime tree adjacent to the lych gate and the disabled parking area was topped by a tree surgeon on 8 July. While the top was dying, the lower portion of the tree seems sound and healthy.

Waveney Beekeepers have once again installed beehives in the churchyard, this time in the south-east corner. The four hives will be present for about a month and the aim is that the bees will make lime honey – some say the Rolls Royce of honeys. There are apparently normally 30,000 to 40,000 bees per hive.

The church sign board at the entrance to the parking area is to be updated with Rev’d Josh Bailey’s details and then restored to position.

Food Bank donations in June numbered 155 items. Thank you for your kind contributions.

Collections in June yielded £958.00 in total.


Saturday 11 September: Suffolk Historic Churches Trust RIDE AND STRIDE, 9am to 5pm.

Cheryl has volunteered as area organiser of Ride and Stride in recent years, but this will be her last year and a new area organiser is needed. The SHCT has been generous in its grants towards Barsham Church, and this Ride and Stride event is the sole source of income for the charity (raising £175,000 last year to give away in grants to needy churches). Please contact Cheryl on 07788971211 or 01502 714655 if you would like to find out more about becoming the new area organiser.

Sunday 19 September 6.30pm: HARVEST EVENSONG with the Bishop of Richborough, Rt Rev’d Norman Banks, who is also intending to join us afterwards at our HARVEST SUPPER in Barsham Village Hall.

Tuesday 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 September at 5.50pm : the Autumn EQUINOX EVENT with a church tour afterwards for those who are interested. We are hoping that - Covid precautions permitting - we will be able to serve refreshments from 30 minutes beforehand on each day. Weather permitting, the spectacle is best on the middle day, Wednesday 22 September.